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Summer 2025 applications will open in early December.

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Daniel Kadyrov

Instructor | Pre-College Programs

Daniel Kadyrov holds a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering from SUNY Binghamton University. While in Binghamton, he worked in the anechoic chamber laboratory, taught courses in music technology, and served as General Manager of the college radio station. He also worked as a recording and live sound engineer and performed as a background jazz pianist at local restaurants. After a brief period writing software to analyze underwater explosions on structures for a naval defense contractor, Daniel joined the Sensor Technology and Applied Research Laboratory at Stevens Institute of Technology. There, he contributed to developing and testing acoustic sensors for detecting, tracking, localizing, and classifying targets such as drones, boats, and insects. He also completed another Master of Science, this time in Computer Science with a specialization in Data Science and Machine Learning. He is currently in the final stages of completing his Ph.D. at Stevens Institute of Technology.