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Our Summer 2025 applications are open!

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The Neurobiology of Learning and Memory

Learning and memory are the processes by which we store information about our experiences, which is crucial for our survival. Without learning and memory, we would be unable to acquire basic motor or communication skills, the ability to perform complex reasoning, or social dynamics. Modern neuroscience has made great strides toward understanding how our experiences shape our brains, and how changes in our brains impact behavior.

In this course we explore how our experiences shape who we are, what kinds of changes in the brain are thought to underlie learning and memory, and how learning and memory can contribute to the development of mental health problems such as addiction, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Topics to be covered include types of learning and memory, disorders such as amnesias and dementias, an introduction to the cellular and molecular basis of memory formation, and an in-depth examination about how these processes can contribute to mental health problems. We conclude the course with an overview of innovative treatments under development for various disorders, and how learning and memory might play a role in their therapeutic effects. Topics are approached through lecture, group discussion, short videos, interactive web-based activities, and readings.

Students exit the course with a basic understanding of how modern neuroscientists conceptualize and study the processes of learning and memory, and how this research impacts modern mental healthcare.

Prerequisite: One year of high school biology.