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Ugoo Anieto

Instructor | Pre-College Programs

Dr. Ugoo Anieto is an Instructional Associate Professor at Texas A&M University. He obtained his doctorate in molecular biology from the University of North Texas in Denton, Texas, and his bachelor's and master's degrees from Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, Nigeria in applied microbiology and food microbiology, respectively. He has been involved in undergraduate education for many years and has taught at the University of North Texas, Odessa College, Mississippi Valley State University, South Texas College, and Texas Southmost College. He specializes in teaching Introductory biology and microbiology courses. In addition to these courses, he has taught courses in chemistry, physics, mathematics, and environmental science. He is currently involved in undergraduate research efforts in the area of phages (viruses that infect bacteria) and antimicrobial compounds.