Program Policies
General Policies
The following policies apply to all Pre-College Programs. Other program-specific policies apply to participants in those programs.
Academic Integrity
Columbia University takes matters of intellectual integrity very seriously. Plagiarism is not tolerated. Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, submitting work done by another person or purchased from any source; failure to document ideas found in sources, whether print or electronic, with appropriate notes and bibliographical references; failure to enclose borrowed phrases or sentences within quotation marks; and turning in the same assignment for two courses without advance permission from both instructors.
Plagiarism, whether intentional or unintentional, will result in dismissal from the program. Students who are unsure about the proper presentation of their work should consult their course instructor.
Behavioral and Community Standards
The Community Standards are designed to ensure the safety and well-being of the students and the integrity of the University. They are strictly enforced and failure to abide by them results in dismissal from the program, normally on the first offense. Students are required to sign the Community Standards Consent Form upon matriculation into the program.
The determination as to whether a student has violated the Community Standards is made by program staff, teachers, and administrators.
Students who are dismissed from a non-credit program do not receive evaluation letters or a Certification of Participation. No portion of fees or tuition will be refunded to a student who has been dismissed.
COVID-19 Requirements
Keep up to date with university communications related to COVID-19 here.
The COVID-19 vaccine mandate will no longer be in effect, and proof of vaccination will not need to be submitted.
Pre-College students are not required to submit proof of COVID-19 vaccination. However, we strongly recommend that students follow CDC guidelines for COVID-19 vaccination which recommend that everyone be up to date with COVID-19 vaccines including booster doses.
Protection of Minors at Columbia
The Protection of Minors policy creates an independent duty for those who interact with, supervise, chaperone, or otherwise oversee minors in University sponsored programs, activities, and/or residential facilities to be trained by the University. It also requires an independent duty to report suspected cases of abuse and maltreatment of individuals under the age of 18 immediately. Any member of the University community may report a concern if they have reasonable suspicion that a child has been abused or maltreated, either by a caregiver at home, or by any other person they believe could be responsible for abuse. We have implemented this policy to ensure that we protect minors who are on our campuses or who are participating in University programs and activities.
Pre-College Program staff are considered New York State Mandated Reporters and are required by law to report suspected child abuse and maltreatment. If a program staff member has a reasonable suspicion that a minor is being abused or maltreated, they are obligated to call the New York State Child Abuse and Maltreatment Hotline. Program staff are obligated to report all events, even if the abuse or maltreatment happened in the distant past or in a foreign country. Please see the full policy statement and protocols for protection of minors on our university website.
Discrimination, Harassment, or Gender-based Misconduct
Columbia University is committed to fostering an environment that is free from gender-based discrimination and harassment, including sexual assault and all other forms of gender-based misconduct. The University recognizes its responsibility to increase awareness of such misconduct, prevent its occurrence, diligently investigate reports of misconduct, support students and others who experience gender-based misconduct, and respond fairly and firmly when students violate University policy. The University is also committed to supporting students accused of gender-based misconduct who go through the disciplinary process. In addressing issues of gender-based misconduct, all members of the University must respect and care for one another in a manner consistent with our deeply held academic and community values.
You can read the Program’s Discrimination, Harassment or Gender-Based Misconduct policy here.
Program Policies
The following policies apply only to participants in the NYC Residential Summer, NYC Commuter, Summer Online, and Academic Year Weekend programs.
Admissions Policies
Admission to the academic enrichment programs is selective. The admissions committee seeks out academically exceptional students who are eager to contribute original ideas and a spirit of intellectual curiosity to a community of highly motivated learners.
- To be eligible for admission, applicants must fulfill the eligibility requirements of their chosen program.
- You must submit all materials directly, not through an agent or third-party vendor.
- Falsification, forgery, and misrepresentation of any type will risk forfeiture of admissions and/or enrollment. Forfeiture may occur whenever an integrity lapse is discovered and may include admissions revocation, expulsion, or another sanction outlined within the Student Conduct and Community Standards. Applicants would not be entitled to request any refund of the application fee, enrollment deposit or tuition in the case that the official transcript deviates from the unofficial.
- All admissions decisions are final. There is no appeal process. The Admissions Committee reviews each application thoroughly and with great care.
Detailed information regarding the application process can be found in the Admissions section of the website.
Grades, Evaluations, and Credit
The NYC Residential, NYC Commuter, Summer Online, and Academic Year Weekend programs are academically rigorous; however, courses do not carry college credit.
Grades are not assigned. Rather, upon successful participation in the program, students receive an official Columbia University Certification of Participation and written evaluations letter.
Evaluation Letters
Students are evaluated on their effort, participation, proficiency in their assignments, their progress over the duration of the class, and their potential for future work in the pertinent field and in college.
Certification of Participation
To earn a Certification of Participation, students must successfully complete their program of study. Completion is determined by the instructors in consultation with program administration and is based on attendance, class participation, satisfactory completion of assignments, and adherence to the program's community standards.
- Summer programs: Evaluations and Certifications of Participation are typically issued by mid October. Evaluations will be uploaded to the student's Slate account. It will not be mailed to the home address.
- Academic year programs: Evaluations and Certifications of Participation are typically issued within 6–8 weeks from the end of the program. Evaluations will be uploaded to the student's Slate account. It will not be mailed to the home address.
Class Participation
Class attendance is mandatory. A student who misses multiple class sessions may not receive a Certifications of Participation, even if those absences are excused. Unexcused absences can lead to dismissal from the program.
Students are expected to engage seriously in their courses through both class participation and completion of assigned work. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated.
College Edge Program Policies
The following policies apply only to participants in the College Edge program, during any term or session.
Official Transcripts
Upon successful completion of the program, students will receive an official transcript from Columbia University. Students can request copies of their transcripts online, in person, or by mail.
Commuter Student Housing and Supervision
Students who will not reside in their primary residence during the program must live at a residence that includes direct adult supervision in the form of family members or family friends who will live in the same domicile. Students must not take unsupervised housing in the form of hotel rooms, Airbnb rentals, hostels, or other such accommodation.