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Our Summer 2025 applications are open!

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Course Registration

To assist with course selection and the registration process, all students must consult their academic advisor who will guide them through many aspects of their time at Columbia University. Students are required to consult with their academic advisor prior to registering.

Admittance into the program does not guarantee enrollment in a course.

Course Selection

The following are the departments and courses that most students have enrolled in. Please note that course registration is not guaranteed.

Please work with your home institution and/or future institution to determine the appropriate courses for your academic future and if credits transfer. We will advise you on appropriate courses based on your academic profile and the information you provide regarding your academic interests. It is your responsibility to research which courses may transfer to your home institution.

Maximum Point Loads

Students may enroll in no more than 6 points during a summer session. Additionally, students may take no more than 30 points during their entire course of study, unless they are granted special permission from the department. Special permission must be requested by sending an email to spsadvising [[at]] columbia [[dot]] edu.


Students are allowed to make schedule changes at no cost until 4:00 pm on the fifth day of each session. This timeframe is referred to as the Change of Program Period. Students who wish to add or drop a course during this timeframe can do so by logging on to SSOL during their registration appointment times.

Visit the pages below for detailed information regarding the add/drop period and other important deadlines.

Dropping an Individual Course After the Change of Program Period

There is no refund of tuition for individual courses dropped after the last day of the change-of-program period. If you wish to drop a course during this timeframe, you must complete an add/drop form.

Important: Failure to attend classes or notification submitted only to the instructor does not constitute dropping a course and will result in a mark of UW (Unofficial Withdrawal) for the course and full tuition will be charged.


Visit the Admissions page to review program requirements and deadlines, or start your application.

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