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Our Summer 2025 applications are open!

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Campus Resources

Most campus resources are available to active students with a Columbia University ID. 

Alfred Lerner Hall

Columbia’s student center provides everything from lounges and cafes to meeting rooms and computer labs—all in one architecturally renowned building.


Spanning 22 libraries and an extensive collection of digital resources, Columbia has one of the top-10 academic library systems in the country.

Computer Access

Students have access to computer clusters and laboratories throughout campus. These facilities range from informational kiosks to high-end workstations, to walk-in consulting centers. Students can connect to the wireless network anywhere on campus.


Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are provided 7 days a week for students living on campus. The dining hall provides food options for a variety of diets. Students with medically related special dietary needs can work with a campus dietician to ensure their meal needs are met.

Health Services

Students can schedule appointments or be seen on a walk-in basis by Urgent Care at Columbia Health Services. They can also learn about a variety of health topics by reading Health Services page articles or attending workshops, panel discussions, and training.

Fitness Center

Students enrolled in the Residential and 3-Week Commuter programs have basic membership to Columbia’s Dodge Physical Fitness Center, located on central campus.

Writing Center

Writing Center consultants offer feedback and strategies to help students improve at every stage of their writing, from brainstorming to final drafts. Students are invited to attend college preparation events in the form of seminars, workshops, and lectures to prepare for university life.

Disability Services

The University Office of Disability Services (ODS) provides a full range of services and accommodations to assist students with disabilities. We encourage students requiring accommodations to register with ODS upon enrollment.

Alice! Health Promotion

If you have a health-related question, just ask Alice! The Go Ask Alice! site is supported by a team of Columbia University health promotion specialists, health care providers, and other health professionals, along with a staff of information and research specialists and writers.

Office of Religious Life

"The Earl Hall Center for Religious Life is committed to the mission engraved in stone above the doors to Earl Hall: "Erected for the students that religion and learning may go hand in hand and character grow with knowledge."

Public Safety

Public Safety provides services from the dissemination of emergency information to providing campus escorts. Their mission is to enhance the quality of life for the Columbia community by maintaining a secure and open environment where the safety of all is balanced with the rights of the individual.

Columbia Shuttle

Columbia University provides free shuttle bus service for the faculty, staff, and students of Columbia University and Columbia Irving Medical Center via the ADA-accessible Intercampus Shuttle with stops at nearby subway and transit stops.

Columbia Bookstore

Whether you need course materials or dorm decor, the Columbia Bookstore is your one-stop shop for school supplies, room essentials, Columbia gear, and more.

Living on Campus

More than half of program participants live on Columbia University’s tranquil 36-acre enclosed campus.

Commuting to Campus

40% of students commute to campus, with many residing in the NYC area and others traveling from different parts of the world with their families. Students living off campus still have access to campus resources and activities.

Explore Our Pre-College Programs

The best way to prepare for college is the way that works best for you. That’s why we offer multiple programs: learn in person or online, during the school year or summertime—you can even earn college

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