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Announcing CSPA Quick Courses

New this year and as a part of the basic membership fee of $50, CSPA will present six webinars. Called CSPA Quick Courses, the series will be available exclusively for members throughout the 2024-2025 academic year. Additional exclusive members-only content to be announced.

From Pitch to Print: How to Organize and Execute a Newspaper Cycle (September 2024)
Jenny Dial Creech, a former professional journalist and current publications adviser at the St. Mark’s School of Texas, brings her knowledge of a daily newsroom into the classroom. She will share how the award-winning ReMarker newspaper structures each cycle from start to finish, with tips and tactics that can be used for your publication. 

Instructor: Jenny Dial Creech
President, Columbia Scholastic Press Advisers Association
CSPA Summer Journalism Workshop Instructor
Publications adviser, St. Mark's School of Texas, Dallas, Texas

CSPA Crown Award Trends (October 2024)
Join this session for a comprehensive look at what other publications across the country are doing, and what are some of the key elements that led to their success. Kathy Zwiebel, chair of the CSPA Advisers Association’s Judging and Standards board, will explore the trends many of the 2024 Crown winners exhibited this year. 

Instructor: Kathleen Zweibel
Chair of CSPA Committee on Judging Standards, Columbia Scholastic Press Advisers Association
CSPA Summer Journalism Workshop Instructor
Former Publications Adviser, Pottsville, Pennsylvania

Backpack Journalism (December 2024)
Kori James, who advises the award-winning Feather Online, offers tips and tricks on how to use your resources to create top-level content. Whether you have access to top-of-the line camera equipment or just have an iPhone in your pocket, you can be a digital journalism star. 

Instructor: Kori James
CSPA Summer Journalism Workshop Instructor
Publications adviser, Fresno Christian Schools, Fresno, California

How to Recruit Staff and Build Your Dream Program (March 2025)
In this event, Debra Klevens, 2023 National High School Journalism Teacher of the Year, explains how you can build a student staff that aligns with your vision for your program. Learn practical strategies for recruiting, marketing, and involving students in the sales process to build a successful publication program. 

Instructor: Debra Klevens
2023 National High School Journalism Teacher of the Year
CSPA Summer Journalism Workshop Instructor
Publications adviser, Clayton High School, Clayton, Missouri 

Publications CPR (April 2025)
Whether your publication is racking up awards or just beginning to hit its stride, this session will provide concrete advice on how to improve it. Long-time scholastic journalism instructor Brett Zinger will look at some examples of strong student and professional in-depth editorial packages to offer advice on how to improve your own. The session will explore how to approach both smaller and larger projects. 

Instructor: Bretton Zinger
Second Vice President for Conventions, Columbia Scholastic Press Advisers Association
Publications adviser, New Bedford High School, Newton, Massachusetts

Congratulations! You’re a New Adviser. Now What? (May 2025)
Veteran scholastic media adviser Wanda Vanish outlines how to get organized with your newspaper or yearbook staff when you are taking over for the first time. From how to start the year to planning each deadline to inspiring your students to meet deadlines, this course will help any adviser prep for the summer and upcoming school year.

Instructor: Wanda Vanish
First Vice President for Membership, Columbia Scholastic Press Advisers Association
Publications adviser, Altoona Area High School, Altoona, Pennsylvania

Learn more about CSPA membership here, or by visiting our Membership registration portal.